The Christian Family Value System

The Christian Family Value System at Calvary Baptist Church is comprised of five core values that are essential to keeping the church on task with Her biblical mission of the church found in Matthew 28:19-20. Each point of the Christian Family Value System makes up the F.O.O.M.M. acronym model;

Foundation, Observation, Obligation, Maturation and Motivation.

The F.O.O.M.M. acronym model consists of biblical principles that address the Christian responsibility of Christian families and how to maintain that responsibility in different areas of life. The CFVS model is designed to maintain and transfer biblical Christian principles to future generations as a measure of preserving the Christian faith and assuring effective evangelism.

Why is a Christian Family Value System Important?

  1. Christian Worldview has changed and the moral bar for Christian living has been conceded and replaced with inclusive language and beliefs systems.
  2. Professing Christians cannot articulate their faith in Jesus Christ from a biblical standpoint.
  3. Professing Christians are not sharing or transferring their faith to the next generation.
  4. Each generation moves further away from a biblical worldview.